Gain Mass with Calisthenics?

A common misconception about calisthenics is that you can’t build an impressive muscular physique, which just isn't the case. At a certain point with calisthenics it doesn't matter how well you’re doing with your routines and exercises, if you’re not in a calorie surplus you will not be gaining weight and building bigger muscles.  

A calorie surplus is when you eat more calories than you burn, commonly referred to as a bulk in the body building community. A fear of many is that when you’ll bulk you’ll get fat, but that only applies if you go overboard. A rule of thumb is to lean bulk by only going around 500 calories over your maintenance, but it’s very important to watch your weight because everyone’s body’s different and you might need an increase or decrease  in the amount of calories.

 Myself personally I need 1000 calories over my maintenance to gain weight. Once you get your bulk going you will start to see notable strength and muscular gains. Remember to stay in the 8 to around 12 rep range because once you start to go over the 12 reps it starts to become more of an endurance exercise which could slow down your pace of gaining a great physique. 
Gain Mass with Calisthenics? Gain Mass with Calisthenics? Reviewed by Unknown on 14:18 Rating: 5

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