Push ups Everyday for a BIGGER Chest?

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Often I have seen a ton of videos about doing 200 or so push ups a day everyday for around a month to build  a bigger chest. Most peoples first reactions would be to assume that its over training and not going to work, well they're half right. It is absolutely over kill and you could put to much strain on your chest and hurt yourself, because when a muscle is sore that means it needs time to rest so when you immediately workout the next day while its still sore your not letting the muscle heal properly or too the fullest

 But I have seen people claiming it works. So since everybody's different if you really are interested in this challenge you could give it a try and see how it pans out. But its good to note that you should be in a calories surplus if you'd like to put on mass.

Also this isn't the only way to grow a bigger chest. To be completely honest myself personally have tried to do the challenge a long time ago I don't think I ended up completing the challenge but I tried doing 300 a day. 100 neutral grip, 100 wide grip and 100 diamond push ups

I tried it after seeing these videos and I don't think I'd ever try it again.

If you'd like to watch a video about the subject, Scott Herman the maker of the pyramid routine video talks about the subject.

Push ups Everyday for a BIGGER Chest? Push ups Everyday for a BIGGER Chest? Reviewed by Unknown on 18:38 Rating: 5

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